Fellini’s Ladder: How to become Famous


Marco Fellini, son of a reputable barber in South Philadelphia was taught by his father, Antonio Fellini, to climb the social ladder. He started climbing ladders as a painter but his career did not work out as expected. Somehow he became owner and captain of a world class yacht, or rather a wreck that he thought would only need a good paint job. But he restored the old schooner and with it he gained respect. Also he conquered the heart of a blond Norwegian girl who, luckily, knew a bit about sailing. They ventured on a sail around the world which did not turn out as dreamed. Despite one disaster after another he became famous as a daredevil sailor and stepped up the social ladder only to fall again, up and down, up and down. But the greater the disaster the more his reputation grew, until he achieved the ultimate fame of … well, that’s the end of the story.