
The old Man and the Ice: Getting 150 Years old

Getting 150 years old sounds like science fiction.
But it is not. First, the genetic cause of aging has been discovered.
Second, science has not identified an age limit.
Third, we have found cures for just about any disease, in mice.
The long journey to the age of 150
started with a dream and a vision.
Surviving strange encounters
steering to the...

Secret Island in the South Pacific: A Dramatic Book about World Politics and Sailing

It all started when I was hired as crew on the yacht of a retired CIA director, Gordon McGillespie. In World War II he had crash-landed on an island in the middle of the South Pacific. The island was scratched off all maps, hiding it from the Japanese. Later, it was condemned due to radioactive fallout from French nuclear tests, and when its...

A Happy End of Life: Living well after 80

Thoughts, Experiences, and Research about the last twenty Years of your Life.
This book is written in two parts: “The Aging Body” derives from the personal life experiences of Wolfgang Berg, an 84 year old. He brings observations from high-level amateur sports and personal stories of encounters with people living all over the world. He engages...

Fellini’s Ladder: How to become Famous

Marco Fellini, son of a reputable barber in South Philadelphia was taught by his father, Antonio Fellini, to climb the social ladder. He started climbing ladders as a painter but his career did not work out as expected. Somehow he became owner and captain of a world class yacht, or rather a wreck that he thought would only need a good paint job....